Tuesday, May 2, 2017

How Did We Get To May Already?!

Oh, my goodness!  I looked back and noticed that I haven't posted in a month.  Where did that time go?!  I know you've seen my emails and notes on the homework sheet but I do want to share some photos with you from last month.

We enjoyed learning about the sun, clouds and shadows.  It was kinda tough to find a sunny day in April to do this but we were successful.  In this STEM activity, they had to design and build a tent using only the materials provided.  We then put an ice cube in the tent and one in the sunshine and observed what happened.  It was a windy day so they had to adjust their tent to be able to stay down in the wind as well!  It was quite a challenge but I was very proud of them and their work!

We also enjoyed this activity!  They had to make sure the shadow of their animal fit on the paper and that I could tell from just the shadow what animal it was.

 This is one of the STEM Fairy Tale units that I recently purchased.  They love these units!  This is the 3 Little Pigs and we've also done Rapunzel (build a ladder for the prince to get to the top of the tower to rescue Rapunzel) and Goldilocks (build a chair that will hold each of the three bears).  It so fun to watch their faces as they succeed with the challenge!

They are very excited as we begin our pioneer unit!  The log cabin, covered wagon/horse are ready to go!  Stay tuned for pictures of that learning soon!