Monday, February 26, 2018

We Are Ready for Spring!

The last couple of weeks have sure been challenging with the snow haven't they?!  Waiting to hear if school is cancelled or not....snow gear everywhere....but the smile on the little ones faces always makes snow worth the trouble!!

We have yet another short week this week.  We will be reading our story, doing a lot of writing and then making sure we have everything on our checklist in our writing, practicing more ending sounds and continuing to work on sight words.  In Math, we will practice more counting by 5's with nickels, measuring the height of objects and always practicing our number writing! 

Due to early dismissal on Thursday, we will come back from Montclair by 11:30.  Children do not have to bring a cold lunch that day.  I'm working on planning a few "Dr.Seuss" activities (not as many as our Winter Olympics!) for Thursday, March 15th at Montclair!  If your child would like to come dressed up as one of Dr.Seuss's characters or wear a Dr.Seuss shirt that day, I'm sure the Grandma's and Grandpa's would enjoy it!! 

Sylvi will be our Scientist this week!
Last week we FaceTimed my Noah and figured out using our questions and map that he was in Alabama.  Today we FaceTimed with Pastor Bell, Peyton's dad and figured out that he was in Arizona!  We are sure learning a lot about our country and world...without leaving our classroom!!

Have a wonderful week in Jesus!

Monday, February 5, 2018

100th Day of School Pictures ~ So Much Fun!

February 5th

We enjoyed watching the soft snow falling almost all day today!  They were so sweet as we talked about God making snow for us and the purpose of snow. 

Did you enjoy seeing their rainbow test tubes last week?!  They sure were excited to watch the different colors appear just from adding red, yellow and blue together.  The Montclair Grandma's and Grandpa's enjoyed it as well.  If you haven't sent the tube back yet, please do so this week.  Thank you!  We will continue learning a bit about rainbows and reflecting on God's promises to us this week.

"The Boss" is our story this week.  We've read and discussed in numerous times in class so they are quite familiar with it and it should be a fairly easy read for them tonight.  We will move to letter "Mm" later this week.  Keep practicing the little books sent home and return them on Thursday or Friday.

In Math we will practice more measuring and distinguishing objects by 3 attributes.  We also continue to review formation of our numbers.

We will be learning about the 2018 Winter Olympics and South Korea this week.  We enjoyed watching a few video clips about various events today.  We will keep track of medals won on our hallway bulletin board and will make the Olympic mascot, Soohorang.  I'm hoping to do a "Winter Olympics" at Montclair next week....Stay tuned on that one!!

GLOBAL PLAY DAY is Wednesday, February 7th as I mentioned before.  Your child may bring in a toy from home (No electronics - and must be a toy they are willing to share!) for that day.  This is the link if you are interested in researching more about the value of play:

Don't forget to send in a Valentine box for your child NEXT week Tuesday or Wednesday as well as Valentine's for their friends if you'd like. 

Have a great week!!