Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Welcome Back!

January 7th already....wow!!  The kindergarten school year is half-way over.  I don't know about you but I can't really believe it.  We are ready to keep learning and keep growing in love for others and in our love for Jesus!

We will talk in Jesus Time about Simeon and Anna meeting baby Jesus and about the journey of the Wise Men and then the journey that Joseph, Mary and Jesus took to Egypt to escape King Herod.  In reading, we will continue in our SuperKids books (see note on pink sheet about keeping the books) and also continue in our Wonders series.  Our writing of sentences will get better and better, too!  In Math, we will review number order, writing numbers, greater/less than of numbers to 10 (but we can do it further!) and weighing objects.  Our Math Centers continue to add challenges to enrich our math experiences!  We are also practicing counting to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s.  We will start our unit on penguins and also talk about winter affects different animals.

Your TADS account will be charged an extra $35 to fulfill the field trip funds.  With our monthly trips to Montclair and our end of the year trip to Portal School, this is necessary.  If you have any questions, please talk to Mr. Domsch.

Enjoy your week and may you walk really close with Jesus in 2019!
In Christ's Service,